
Showing posts from January, 2025

Vintage 1976 Craft Magazine FLASHBACK!


I Found the Coolest Vintage Craft Magazine from 1976!

 Started videoing Magazine flip throughs, this is Golden Hands part 3/91. The magazine is from 1976 and has some really cool retro pictures and patterns, one I recall recreating myself! The doll on the back cover looks really simple , so I'm thinking of trying to make these at work.  Heres my video link and links to The Golden hands Raverly page, where others have recreated the patterns!

40 year old Vogue magazine flip through, stunning and still on point, In places anyhow! #vogue #vintage

 So I bought some Vogue magazines from eBay  I think. This was for the sole purpose of using them for Gelli plate printing. Apparently, Vogue is proven to work, and I have tried quite a few different magazines with mixed results. So I bought some to prove to myself that I was doing something wrong. I don't recall the listing saying anything other than the Vogue magazine bundle, so I was very very excited to find a 40-year-old Vogue magazine in that bundle, and in pristine condition. Thankfully its the "wrong" type of paper to use as printing material, so for now it's just going to be in my image stash for my own usage. It was so interesting to see a lot of what is in there is still on point today. Here's my video link for a full flip-through! Aren't they beautiful images!

Updates and Turning painty papers into Grungy art tags.

 It's been a while, hasn't it?  So where am I? We moved out of the big town back to the countryside, having moved from a Victorian townhouse to a 50's village house. We live in a very old village near "The most haunted village in the UK". It's not, I don't think I've ever heard any locals with ghost stories! I work in a school currently as an After school wrap-around care leader, I'm now also a DSL, (Designated safeguarding lead), a HLTA (Higher-level teaching assistant), I'm also part of the school Nuture program, having been in the background, loading and filling approximately 160 students. I also have obviously First aid, food hygiene, and MHFL trained. To also keep me busy Ha ha! I'm in my second year of Uni, Taking CYS (Child Youth Studies). I also help assist with the schools' Art programs, and I'm excited to put together a school-wide Art Expo next term, So it's all come full circle again! As for my creativity, I've d...