Finally got my finger out to make a post. We needed to get out , It's been cold and raining and haven't been out so far this week (Well apart from Nursery, Beevers, karate, cubs and Youth club!) What I mean Is we haven't been for an explore since Sunday . I needed to feel fresh air again. I love hiking and Geocaching and finding new areas to walk. I discovered walk4life that Users added walking routes they enjoyed. I'm sure there must be others, I just need to fond some more! We discovered there was a lovely route near the river that we had never seen or heard of , so after picking up littlest from Nursery off we went equipped with my Gps , a camera and waterproofs . We managed a 4 mile round walk today and came home just before dark and had hot chocolate! Bliss. I intend to get out 3 times a week for a 3-5 mile walk, I have put on 1.5 stone in 2 years , I have managed to loose 10lbs but I need to get back to a happy healthy weight. Wish me luck. Here's the walk4life site, It's a bit outdated but there should be some fab walks near you.
Gas house lane There used to be 3 huge gas houses here |
HUMMM What famous writer was inspired by this ? |
Massive crane! |
Yay an outdoor gym! |