Friday, 23 December 2011

YAY! over 15,000 hits on my blog..well more than that as i didn't install the counter straight away opps!..Anyway to celebrate im giving away a bag of pinkness! A chinese style silky brocade pink drawsting handbag, with a preety pink and antique gold finish necklace (not real gold!)..a pink lipstick by avon in colourway carnation and a very preety pink headband, just comment below this post, with a top recycling tip , winners will be drawn on the 12th of January by random generator. U.K only entrys please ..Good luck my friends!

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Yay at last scrap blanket is finished 600g worth of scrap yarn that most whould have thrown out as it was in small just to iron it zzzz another blanket to finish must be done before christmas eeek..

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