Friday, 23 December 2011

YAY! over 15,000 hits on my blog..well more than that as i didn't install the counter straight away opps!..Anyway to celebrate im giving away a bag of pinkness! A chinese style silky brocade pink drawsting handbag, with a preety pink and antique gold finish necklace (not real gold!)..a pink lipstick by avon in colourway carnation and a very preety pink headband, just comment below this post, with a top recycling tip , winners will be drawn on the 12th of January by random generator. U.K only entrys please ..Good luck my friends!


  1. Fab prize and fab Blog !! Off for a read xx

  2. Recycling tip - Check with your local nursery if they want you to save old boxes for them. Ours do because the kids then make models out of them an have fab messy play time :) x

  3. My recycling tip - keep a couple plastic bags hung in the kitchen to separate paper fom plastic/glass. It makes it easier just to dump in the outside bin :-) oh, and empty margarine containers are good to save for sending baked goods or portions of food to family members. Saves you sending your good plastic ware and never getting it returned! Lol

  4. I did not know you even had a blog - I love a good read when I am not entering competitions! Well done for the 15000 hits!

    Top Recycling Tip - Will have a think and post later - Merry Christmas x

  5. Found your website on the FB competitions page; It's Fabulous! Bookmarked now!! :)

    Top recycling tip - DONATE YOUR OLD CLOTHES TO CHARITY! Its a great way to help raise money for all kinds of charities, it de clutters your wardrobe in time for the January Sales and it gives you a great excuse to go shopping! Beware of scammers though, only donate to legitimate sources!

    Old school tip, use Film canisters to Store small items such like buttons, sequins, paper clips, drawing pins or small nails.Perfect for hobby/craft tables!

    Also old baubles can be threaded through coat hangers and bent into a circle to make gorgeous festive wreaths!

  6. my top tip is to sell/giveaway any old unwanted toys that are still in good condition

  7. My top tips would be get the kids involved, have seperate bins for different things, cardboard, glass, plastic etc, If I forget the girls are always on my case,

    and once a year we have a bedroom sort out, where the girls sort out all there old clothes and toys, which we then donate to a local charity, the girls think it's great

  8. Keep old pairs of tights for using as ties in the garden
    Just snip the foot off then snip circles off each leg. Use double or single to tie up plants, tie stakes etc.
    If you wash them first they also make good filters for straining cooking oil.

  9. Top tip- if you have a cat turn any unwanted boxes into a cat hidy hole. cats love to hide away in boxes :)

  10. top tip = freeze veg for kids xx

  11. Keep your Christmas cards for use with young children, Get out next year and make into gift tags or even new homemade christmas cards. Keeps children happy, they love cutting up and sticking. You can even recycle your wrapping paper if your carefull.

  12. Great blog :) and happy Christmas and new year!
    My tip would be after Christmas with all the kids cards and wrapping paper we always have a crafty day and use them all to make collages and pictures they love it :) x
    Emma Jones on Facebook

  13. When throwing away clothes etc that are too shabby to send to the charity shop, I always cut off the buttons to add to my collection so I can recycle them when making bags or button jewellery.

  14. My top recycling tip is ~ if you have young children get them to help out! Put pictures on the side of your boxes of glass bottles and tins, then on the other a cardboard box and a newspaper. (that is how our ones are separated) My son who is 4 has a great understanding of the recycling concept and he understands why we recycle too.

  15. So Random org has picked comment number 10..the winner is...gina acyrod! well done please contact me!


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