Thursday, 22 September 2011

mr man is here and so is autumn

Newest memeber of the avery clan Luke jonathon arrived at 10.09am on the 28th August weighing in at 7lb 15oz , a quick 5 hour labour , born at home without pain relief (well 3 puffs of gas and air) . Best labour yet not bad considering my first son was a clomid baby, induced and then an emergency crash c section, see what you can do if you believe in yourself!..Anyway alls going well breast feedings going good, back into the reusable nappys , having fun with those lol. The weather here has changed to autumn it seems almost overnight..and now i need a baby wearing weather proof poncho. My friends golf brolly broke so she gave it to me and i turned it into this..complete with free gifted fleece and buttons ! Basically i just cut off maybe 6 segments then pinned it to the fleece cut off a small top portion sewed the umbrella part to the fleece , then added buttons and cut the bottom end for a fringe effect. hope you like it , it looks really cute when on!

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Watch as I turn my junk journal into a textured bird page!

 New youtube up! I'm following Caroline on the hillside on youtube and following her prompts. It's great fun! Tomorrows another busy...