Monday, 12 November 2012

Simple pleasures

Im trying to become more homestead getting there slowly cutting down internet time (or at least social networking!) has made me much happier this week.
I stumbled across this pattern and im so totally in love with it..these are to be a gift for a lucky wee man im planning to make a knitted gnomes house to go with it , you can find the gnome pattern here for free

Also made another dolly for a friends daughter for christmas shes by fiona mctague from the book knitted toys sadly im not great with doing faces! But i love her.
Also lastly i made bread again and its 100% better than first time i made it..a couple more trys and it should be perfect! Heres a wee pic of my eldest 2 boys..i felt so happy and blessed this weekend the mood must have reflected as they played beautfully together..have a great week all xx

1 comment:

Watch as I turn my junk journal into a textured bird page!

 New youtube up! I'm following Caroline on the hillside on youtube and following her prompts. It's great fun! Tomorrows another busy...