Monday, 18 May 2015

Diy.Org Botanist badge achieved..

Our third badge achieved from this site (and about 17 in progress!). If you haven't heard of it, it's an amazing free site that offers challenges . A little like The scouts, you can buy badges but with 3 boys that means an awful lot of money, so we have just been printing off the jpegs (TIGHT huh?)

Have a look there is loads to try and a great boardem buster as well as educational to!

For our Botinay badge we decided to assemble a flower press and display pressed flowers..we will be adding to this collection as we all enjoyed it. We also Discovered and wrote about a wild plant that has medicinal  qualities The Dandelion and Buckhoe Platain.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Stab binding..End of year (ALMOST!) Paperwork round up

So One whole year or 18 months near abouts since home ed. We have kept most things, since The Lea could make us be regulated by them. (Due to a new government and regulations) But this times 3?! I keep Them in small cardboard boxes, then this week, I got each of the childrens  boxes and sorted them out into ..BIN!/recycle,   KEEP! .. You can decide. Thankfully about half went into recycle, a third went back into a file for keeping for next years to touch on again (ie seasonal ideas Halloween etc) and the last was to keep but put away. Some time ago I used to work for The British Library in Document restoration and preservation, and I really wanted the boys to try simple book binding. An Ideal way to scrapbook papers together. Here is a simple explanation.

Of course you can do some beautiful stitches but to complex for my young beginners.

I've just added "google search f stab binding..bindings" In case the link doesn't work!

We finished off with all 3 (well two elder and youngest with help of mummy) doing a show and tell presentation of the year. Thus ends our school year (I think it's becase we have 5 birthday in May so we tend to think of it as the end of a year and start of a new one?!) On to new things :D Can't wait!

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

First tentative steps in Learning.

My Baby  (Now 4 in August) has show signs of wanting to learn , He really enjoys joining in and asks "Can I do my learning Mummy?" He only lasts maybe 20 minutes before toddling off. He just about writes his name, can count up to 20 (minus a couple!) Ditto his alphabet . He can also recognise about 2/3 of the alphabet, all his colours, and Read a few words. I'm really proud of him.

I have found many resources for little ones. Hope some are of use to you! Also have a good look as many have other age resources. Have fun!

Watch as I turn my junk journal into a textured bird page!

 New youtube up! I'm following Caroline on the hillside on youtube and following her prompts. It's great fun! Tomorrows another busy...