It was really only last week We were having a picnic in the sun, Now this week Rain, cold..fires on, Hot choccy and bowls of steaming soup! We went to meet a new Home Ed group In Canterbury , and was welcomed with warm arms . Canterbury is such a beautiful place and only 40 minutes by train, so we shall endeavor to go more often , In fact so lovely was it, we went two weeks running! First to a scarecrow making group activity (There was a lot of hay) , Then to a Snail workshop, Run by This company . We also did a mini project of Autumn , Luke is started to be fully included into the project learning as well now, he loves it! So he did some art and some writing practice , a little counting and simple maths, again found on our fav site , the wee videos here are wonderful too ! . We where also lucky enough to find a local community apple pick and spent a couple of hours picking, pressing, tasting and seeing the different varieties of apples grown in the orchard. It's a lottery funded community orchard project , and I didn;t know but there seems to be a few of them cropping up (pardon the pun) about Kent at least. Winter soon..where has the year gone??
Hay for the Scarecrows workshop |
Lukes Snail he drew at the snail workshop |
At the community apple pick trying hand pressing after picking our haul |
Lukes Bouquet of leaves..he collects them all the time! |
Made with me and a friends wee cool dude |
Using the familes handprints |
Leaf printed tree |
Some trees where made usnig squashed tp roll ends, others with finger prints |