Friday, 23 December 2011

YAY! over 15,000 hits on my blog..well more than that as i didn't install the counter straight away opps!..Anyway to celebrate im giving away a bag of pinkness! A chinese style silky brocade pink drawsting handbag, with a preety pink and antique gold finish necklace (not real gold!)..a pink lipstick by avon in colourway carnation and a very preety pink headband, just comment below this post, with a top recycling tip , winners will be drawn on the 12th of January by random generator. U.K only entrys please ..Good luck my friends!

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Yay at last scrap blanket is finished 600g worth of scrap yarn that most whould have thrown out as it was in small just to iron it zzzz another blanket to finish must be done before christmas eeek..

Friday, 18 November 2011

fizzi is finished

I love her, made from recycled yarn too! All in aid for this good cause auction to start 3rd december
 now back to my scrap blanket

Thursday, 17 November 2011

waldorf style clothes

Friend had a request to make her daughters waldorf some clothes i used poppys cardigan from raverly pattern then i used that as a ratio to make some shoes, jumper and trousers apparently they fit perfectly , having seen the pictures i agree too!
scrap buster! Another scrap buster im working on its fab i plan on log cabinning around he edges in black. This is all my scrap yarns over 2metres great way to use up some yucky colours too ! only another 28 squares to go..then the making up zzzz ready for my brothers new house at christmas and best of all hasn't cost a penny pattern is from here
So ive started another shawl, seeing as my wips are slowly coming down lol thought i might as well build it back up again im currently using a recycle yarn from another projects and its lovely and sparkly just hope the recipient likes it

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Plarn water bottle holder tut..for square bottles

Eldest son needed a water bottle for school and i wanted something that stood out so it was easy to identify from the other childrens, there was also a challenge on trash to treasures on raverly so heres my entry! Take one large or medium size bottle i used a smaller one as its a perfect size for little people. 4mm hook..and approx 6-10 carriers i perfer the thicker ones but i used both thicker ones and supermarket ones..beware though supermarket ones are usually biodegradable so they wont last much longer than 3 years. if you have never made plarn from plastic bags i used the continual spiral method of cutting there are many others but this is my personal favourite. Heres a quick show of how to do it.. When worked up plarn has a great texture just like raffia. It can be a little harsh on you hands but take it slowly and you will get there. This bottle holder will work up quickly and i made it in about 3 hours. Enjoy 4mm hook..i perfer steel as i found i was worried about wood breaking and plastic stuck to the can sprinkle talc on the hook to help it glide but after a while if you use plarn a lot, keep using the same hook and you'll find it gets used to working with it. First we create a granny square base 1.chain 4, s.s to first chain close ring 2.chain 2, 11 htr into ring, ss to top of starting chain 2 to close ring 3.chain 2 (into space between htr), work 2 htr into same space , chain 2 and work 3 htr ..all into same space, *skip 3htr, 3 htr into space between htr chain 2, 3htr all into same space*..continue around and slip stip to top of starting chain 2 4.chain 2 (into space between htr), work 2 htr into same space , chain 2 and work 3 htr ..all into same space, *3 htr into space between the corners, 3 htr, 2 chain 3htr all into each corner space *..continue around ending on 3htr between corners and slip stip to top of starting chain 2 i stopped here as my base was wide enough (it needs to be a tiny bit bigger than the bottle base..but you may need to do extra rounds of row 4) now we work the sides of the bottle 1.chain 2, htr around the post of each stitch.and a htr into each corner and ss to close to top of starting chain 2.this creates a 3d edge this video shows you how to achieve it the video says double crochet this is the same stitch but americans call it double corchet and british call it a half treble so don't be confused! you need to watch at about 2.52m on the video 2.Chain 2, htr into each space around and ss to starting chain 2 to close 3. Chain 2, htr into each space around and miss one space at each corner to tighten the square back upss to starting chain 2 to close 4.Continue working rows of row 2 until you reach the part when the bottle starts to taper towards the top 5. repeat row 3, 2-4 times depending on size of bottle making sure you can still fit bottle in. (i did 2 rows) fasten off . Now to make handle. Chain as many as you like for the size of handle you wish, my son wanted one that went across his shoulder, then htr into 2nd chain from hook and each chain along , you may wish to do another row here , i only did one. fasten off and attach to main body..voila all done!

Thursday, 22 September 2011

mr man is here and so is autumn

Newest memeber of the avery clan Luke jonathon arrived at 10.09am on the 28th August weighing in at 7lb 15oz , a quick 5 hour labour , born at home without pain relief (well 3 puffs of gas and air) . Best labour yet not bad considering my first son was a clomid baby, induced and then an emergency crash c section, see what you can do if you believe in yourself!..Anyway alls going well breast feedings going good, back into the reusable nappys , having fun with those lol. The weather here has changed to autumn it seems almost overnight..and now i need a baby wearing weather proof poncho. My friends golf brolly broke so she gave it to me and i turned it into this..complete with free gifted fleece and buttons ! Basically i just cut off maybe 6 segments then pinned it to the fleece cut off a small top portion sewed the umbrella part to the fleece , then added buttons and cut the bottom end for a fringe effect. hope you like it , it looks really cute when on!

Thursday, 18 August 2011

What exactly can i make out of a felted jumper??

Ok baby number 3 is due any day now and im getting very craft restless . VERY!! Ive got a terrible case of "startitis". For those not knowledgeable in "startitis" it means starting loads of projects and not finishing restlessness or itchy fingers. Ive spent 3 months getting my craft wips down and now its almsot back to wear it was..and i want to start more! Im going to have to learn how to craft whilst nursing! Anyway i wanted to make something from a jumper i felted on purpose i wanted to make at least one wool soaker, but i managed better than that! I managed a Newborn to size 1 old school wool soaker, an Adult pixie hood/hat and a pair of baby warmers , they took just 1hr to make and all i had left was a small handfull of fabric. If you wanted to make felted wool soakers id recommend purchasing a at has at second hand jumper that has at least 70% wool/animal fibre in it, i found one that was just £1.50. I washed it in with my other clothes on a 40 twice this seemed sufficent to shrink it down enough, ill lanolise the soaker also just to make sure. There my tut..for what i did to achieve the above amount of items. Firstly hooded adult pixie hat and baby legwarmers. My hooded cardi had a band down the v front of the jumper , so all i did was cut down along the length of the band either side of the v neck ..these where to become my ribbons, if you don't have a band on yours you could just cut 7 inch lengths or add some cute contrasting ribbon either side . I then cut out of one top portion of sleeve 3 diffrent sized flowers and added one of the butoons that came on the front of the jumper and sewed it on to the side of the hood..the leg warmers are just the bottom 7/8 inches of the jumper sleeves the ribbed cuff becomes the bottom end and the loser top part becomes the bit that sits on the thighs..hey presto 20 mins of work and 2 darn cute items made
Next The wooly soaker. Basically you can find patterns for free anywhere on the net or you can use one you own and trace around it leaving about 1/2 inch extra either side for allowence.Firstly cut out 2 peices of material the same jumper had ribbing to the bottom of it so i turned the jumper upside down and used this to become the waist of the soaker. I then made a thick pad of material that was made from all the left over lengths of material this is for a central panel in the soaker to use as a booster. The central panel was sewn together all the way around then sewn onto one of the main nappy portions. Onto the same portion i then sewed some thin elastic to the top waist and leg portions. I then over laid the other main nappy section and hemmed all the way around leaving a gap of 2 inches so i could turn the whole nappy inside out hide all the hems. Once that was done i hemmed the open seam, and added two , 4 inch side ties to the could add velcro or poppers to the top if you prefer. Emblish your nappy i you like..and all done!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011


i found this pattern on raverly, the entire pattern book can be found at which has pdfs available for download..for free!
I was very excited to see the pattern was from 1846 , i couldnt make head nor tale of the original pattern even though a few people had tried to rewrite it, heres my version of it, after much charting, recharting and rewriting ive made it much simpler, i hope you like it x
I used to original k2tog method of decreasing to make it in keeping with the historical chart. All i did was rewrite the pattern and change the parentheses
to make it more readble and easy to understand I also added a k2 edging before the original starting yo just so there was something to anchor too
3.75 mm needles , 2ply yarn
ALL even rows are as follows k2, yo, purl to last 2 stitches k2
Cast on 3 stitches , knit for 20 rows, turn work on its side and pick up ten stitches along edge and 3 at the bottom cast on edge (6 stitches)
next row k2, (no yo in this row) purl to last 2 stitches , k2
row 1, k2, yo,k2tog, k3, yo,k1,yo,k3,k2tog,k1,k2
row 3, k2, yo, k1, k2tog,k2,yo,k3,yo,k2,k2tog,k2,k2
row 5, k2,yo,k2,k2tog,k1,yo,k5,yo,k1,k2tog,k3,k2
row 7, k2,yo,k3,k2tog,yo,k7,yo,k2tog,k4,k2
row 9, k2,yo,k5,yo,k3,k2tog,k4,yo,k6,k2
row 11, k2, yo,k2tog, *k3, yo,k1,yo,k3,k2tog,**k2tog*k1,k2
row 13, k2, yo, k1, k2tog,*k2,yo,k3,yo,k2,k2tog,**k2tog*k2,k2
row 15, k2,yo,k2,k2tog,*k1,yo,k5,yo,k1,k2tog,**k2tog*k3,k2
row 17, k2,yo,k3,k2tog,*yo,k7,yo,k2tog,**k2tog *k4,k2
row 19, k2,yo,k5,yo,k3,k2tog,k4,*yo,k2tog,yo,k4,k2tog,k3*,yo,**k6,k2
Repeat from rows 11-19 from beginning of row and then repeating sections between * and * then last stitches in row from * to **
repeat as many rows as many times as you like ending on a 20th purl row .cast off with elastic bind off method.
Please do note, as i have totally rewritten this myself at great length this is my own copyright many thanks

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

scrap blankets..

Ok i seem to have a thing for blankets at the moment..i have 4 in wips stages...3 of which are all scrap is a magic ball first magic ball i love it! 1 i started yesterday a 4ply sock yarn left overs blanket..thankfully its only going to be single bed size lol.. and a corchet scrap yarn blanket..the latter is working out beautifully..theres 74 (?) six inch squares with granny squares interspaced with more complex squares..this will then be crocheted around the edge and gifted to my dh for christmas, im hoping to complete most of these blankets before mid august when my new baby son should be making an arrival..still can't get my head around the fact im having another baby..let alone another son..thats son number going to paint my house pink, going to breed female cats and shop only at monsoon and per una from now on..(if only!) i said we are on a complete frugal drive to save for the attic conversion..doing well so far almost 1/5 saved in less than 3 months pay days..yay . We have been so lucky too people giving us clothes for my elder sons , loads of reusable nappys..some baby equipment ..a fridge from freecycle, i will be baby wearing again so no expensive buggy for me, i even managed to win my fav baby carrier on ebay for the snip of £20 with delivery..normally these retail at £70 (?)...anyway i digress..heres my crochet blankets..i love it so far

Friday, 4 March 2011

bananas bread

Quite a few variations of this..but this is my fav and easiest, great way to use up over ripe bananas
Preheat oven to gas mark 4
grease and line a 2lb loaf tin
4oz butter
6oz sugar
8oz self raising flour
2 eggs
2/3 medium overripe bananas..mashed up
cream butter and sugar together, add eggs, flour and bananas..bake for about 40 mins or until firm to the touch and golden brown..this needs to be eaten within about 2 days as it is very moist and the bananas might make the cake go off quicker than normal..this isnt normally an issue in my house though!

Thursday, 3 March 2011

jeanius quilt topper

having saved all of my sons jeans that where too frayed to pass on , an old odd curtain and a worn through sheet that was threadbare in the middle, i made this quilt topper and pillow case for my sons 3rd birthday, theres even a pocket at the top for a teddy or book. Best of all it cost nothing to make, decluttered a black sack full of odd ends of fabric and saved that black sack full going to land win win!

Monday, 28 February 2011

My fav recipies..

Thought id start posting some of my fav recipies..well basically we have some fabby if some what scary news..we are expecting the thump thump thump of little feet again..who said your fertility decreases after 30? So as we live in a 2 bed house..we need to save as much as possible for the attic conversion sheduled for summer 2011 eeek..So have to be as frugal as possible, which includes making, recycling, and managing food wastage..well this week i had a bit of cheese i needed to use i made cheese scones from my great grans recipe..
cheese..or other scones..
8oz self rasing flour
1 level teaspoon of baking powder
2oz marg
1 egg
4oz grated cheese
pinch of mustard powder or white pepper
preheat oven to 425f/220c/gas mark 7..lightly grease a baking tray
rub fat into flour to make bread crumbs texture, add egg and cheese, mix in enough milk to bind it together, turn out onto lighlty floured surface and roll out to about 1/2 inch thick and cut into rounds..bake for about 10 mins or until golden brown , allow to cool and demolish!..makes about 12
plain..omit cheese and pepper/mustard and just add 1oz castor sugar
fruit scones..omit cheese and pepper/mustard and add 2/3 oz dried fruit and 1oz castor sugar
ginger and walnut, omit cheese and pepper/mustard add 1oz walnut peices and 1 teaspoon of ginger powder as well as 1 oz sugar
serve the sweet with clotted cream and strawberry jam..yummy x

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Bestway 2049 Matinee and bootees

I inherited a load of 1940s patterns after as much research as i could do i believe these patterns to be in the public domain to make the pictures large just click and a pop up should come up with a tool for zooming in, this works on ie and crome but im unsure of others ..enjoy!

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

spider inspired square

A couple of lovely ladys mentioned my flower square would make a good spider square whould also make a good crab or squid so i re wrote the flower pattern to make it into a spider , well done ladys (Relodie and j9yammy )
row 1, chain 4, work 7 hrt into first chain ss to join to form a ring
row 2 chain 2, work 1 htr in each stitch around
row 3 chain 3 work one htr in each stitch around this will form a small mound shape
*chain 7, skipping first chain, dc into each chain back down to the dc where you have justed chained from, slip into next dc* continue around unill 8 legs have been formed, fasten off.
change colour, attach to the very top of any leg, *chain 3, ss to top of next petal ensuring the petals lay flat* continue around until all petals have been joined together..i found if i used a bigger hook id need an extra chain between each leg(hope that helps)
row 4 chain 3, 3htr,2 chain 4 htr all into first chain 4 space, *chain 1 4 htr into next chain 4 space, chain 1, (4 htr, 2 chain, 4htr all worked into next chain 4 space)* continue around , working 4 htr chain i in last chain 3 space
following rows, work 4 htr into each chain one space and 4 htr 2 chain 4 htr into each corner 2 chain space until desired width
sew some buttons or embrioder some eyes on

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Garden flower square

Please do note whenever i post a pattern it is not for you to claim as your own, neither do i give permission for you to use any of my photo graphs . You can use items made from these patterns to sell, or for charity , as long as you give me credit for your works, Many thanks!
The garden flower square
3mm hook, scrap yarn pattern uses english crochet terms
row 1, chain 4, ss to form a ring
row 2, chain 2 (counts as first dc) dc 11 more times into ring, ss to starting chain to form a ring
row 3, change colour, slip into dc, *chain 7, skipping first chain, dc into each chain back down to the dc where you have justed chained from, slip into next dc* continue around unill 12 petals have been formed, fasten off.
row 4, change colour, attach to the very top of any petal, *chain 3, ss to top of next petal ensuring the petals lay flat* continue around until all petals have been joined together..i found if i used a bigger hook id need an extra chain between each petal (hope that helps)
row 5, ss into first chain 3 space, chain 2 (counts as first dc) 4dc into same chain 3 space, *3dc into next chain 3 space*twice 5 dc into next chain 3 space ** continue from * to ** then from *to* once more, ss to starting chain,
row 6, chain 2 (starts as first dc) 1 dc into each dc until you reach the corner 5 dcs, into which work 3dc, then dc into each dc to the next set of 5 dc corner, continue around until all dc have been worked ss to join
row 7, now you can either continue with dc from here or i made this change which you can change to when there is an even amount of dc between each very corner dc .
Row 7, my changes change colour , into corner 3 dc chain 3 (counts as first htr) 1htr, chain 2 , htr all into same corner dc, *skip 2 dc then 2 htr into space between the dc, * continue to corner 3 dc , then 2 htr 2chain 2htr into the same corner dc..continue around ss to join
make as large or small as you like, join them together to make a cute blanket

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Historical patterns and some recycling

Two pinnys made from a £1 skirt i found at a second hand shop cut into half moon shapes and lace added to the bottom. A 1950s teacosy from pattons, pattern on raverly made using scrap yarn
A fairy outfit made from a second hand girls skirt some material some hula flowers beads second hand fairy wings, lace a hot glue gun , an odd knitting needle 2 hours sewing..and a rather impressed little boy..although its not actually for cost just 80p!
A 1940s patterned bag made entirely of plarn

Bad bad blogger !

Sorry its been ages ive been so busy making over christmas ive neglected you! I have plans to design a scrap yarn magic ball blanket, so keep your eye out for that one coming soon, another freebie pattern! I also have some very old patterns i know im ok to share having not found any info about the company on the web , these patterns are over 70 years old so should now be in the public domain, i also feel they need to be preseved , having worked as document restorer and microfilmer for the british libary i know how very very important it is to keep historical documents "alive", im also in contact with a lovely lady from the V&A museum who supplied the wartime knitting patterns on the website , as i have so very many patterns, so am hoping between us we can get my patterns on the V&A but one particular well know company is being a pain in the butt even though these are approaching the 70 year mark haven't been reproduced, the main office burned down and they offically lost these patterns..go figure, you whould think they whould be delighted and its not as if i want any profit from sharing them, oh well there loss!.

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